Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday Special Tidbit

Hey everyone!

Welcome to the first Sunday Special Tidbits link up! 

Today's tidbit: keep your math manipulatives available and accessible to your students! Plastic shoeboxes with labels work great! As students need a particular manipulative, encourage them to grab the one they need and return to the activity. 

Another idea-- create a math "toolbox" to keep inside students' desks. Base ten blocks, number lines, counting chips and more-- any tool your students will need to succeed in math can go in their tool box!

This is an excellent way to differentiate, as students can choose the manipulative that makes sense to them whenever they need it! 

Now, it's your turn! Please link up and share your small bit of helpful information. It can be a tip from your own experiences like mine, or it can be about a useful product or TPT item you have been using. If it has been useful for you, chances are it will be useful for someone else! I am looking forward to reading what others have to share.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for setting this up! I am looking forward to seeing the great tidbits! Teaching Science With Lynda
